Wuhan Yangtze International School

Upcoming events

Buffalo Weekly

December 13, 2023

Quarter 3 After-School Activities 第三季度课后活动

Registration for quarter 3 After-School Activities ends this Friday, December 15 at 18:00. Simply click here to view the list of activities and instructions for signing up. Don't miss out on this opportunity to enrich your child's learning experience beyond the classroom!

第三季度课后活动报名的截止时间是本周五(12月15日)晚上6点。只需点击此处即可查看活动列表和报名说明。 请您不要错过这个丰富孩子课堂以外学习体验的机会!

Grade 11 parent meeting 11年级家长研讨会

We're excited to invite all Grade 11 parents to our upcoming Grade 11 Parent Workshop on Thursday, December 14 at 14:00 in the first floor conference room. This informative session will provide valuable insights into the academic opportunities available to Grade 11 students. Topics will include college readiness, PSAT/SAT testing, and AP courses. The workshop is an excellent opportunity to connect with fellow parents, ask questions, and engage in meaningful discussions.

We will also be offering separate parent workshops for Grade 9, 10 and 12 in the upcoming months.

12 月 14 日(星期四)下午14:00 在学校一楼会议室将举行 11 年级家长研讨会,我们很高兴邀请所有 11 年级家长参加。 这次会议将主要为 11 年级学生的家长提供有关学术和大学升学方面的信息,包括大学准备、PSAT/SAT 测试和 AP 课程等。 该研讨会是您与其他家长建立联系、提出问题和进行有意义的讨论的绝佳机会,请11年级家长务必参加!

在接下来的几个月中,学校也将会分别为 9、10 和 12 年级的家长们举办单独的家长研讨会。

Elementary concert 小学音乐会

Get ready for a musical celebration of the Christmas holiday with our ECC and Elementary students! Join us in the Performing Arts Building auditorium at 9:30 on Friday, December 22. Parents are invited to join us for this joyful occasion and help us end the semester on a festive note.

准备好与我们幼儿园和小学的孩子们一起庆祝圣诞吧!12 月 22 日(星期五)早上9点30,幼儿园和小学部的孩子们将在学校表演中心礼堂进行音乐演出。诚邀家长前来观看,与我们一起度过这个欢乐的时刻,并在节日的氛围中为这个学期画上圆满的句号。

Spirit Day: Christmas Spirit 主题服装日:圣诞装扮

WYIS Student Council is hosting a Spirit Day each month as an opportunity for Wuhan Yangtze students and staff to show school spirit by coming to school dressed according to a specific theme. This month’s Spirit Day is on Friday, December 22. The theme is Christmas Spirit. Students and staff are encouraged to come dressed in their favorite Christmas attire such as holiday sweaters, elf costumes, Santa hats, Rudolph ears, etc.


  • Costumes must be school-appropriate.
  • Students can choose not to dress in a theme for this day, but they must still wear their school or PE uniforms.



  • 服装必须适合学校。
  • 如果学生选择当天不穿特定主题的服装装扮自己,则必须穿校服或体育服到校。

Secondary final exams 中学部期末考试

Secondary final exams take place the week of December 18 from 8:15 to 11:30. View more information on our online calendar

  • Secondary students are released at 11:30 each day. Bus riders may enjoy a short recess until 11:45 when transportation will be provided to their homes.
  • Secondary students may not stay in the building after 11:45 during exam week unless attending a review session requested by a teacher.
  • Monday to Thursday is an open campus for high school students (Grades 9-12). Students may choose to come to school only during exam blocks, or they may choose to study in the library or study hall area. Study hall blocks are not required exams.
  • Friday is a required attendance day for all students.
  • Middle school students are required to attend all their exam blocks.
  • Elementary classes are in session all day this week except Friday, which is a half-day for all students.

下周(12 月 18 日-22日) 上午8:15 至 11:30将会进行中学部的期末考试 。 您可以在学校网站上的校历上查看更多信息。

  • 中学生将于每天 11:30 放学。 乘坐校车的学生可以在短暂的休息后乘坐校车回家,校车发车时间是 11:45。
  • 考试周期间 11:45 后,中学生不得留在教学楼内,除非参加老师要求的复习课程。
  • 周一至周四,校园将针对高中生(9 至 12 年级)开放。 学生可以选择仅在自己有考试的期间来学校,也可以选择在图书馆或自习室区域学习。 自习室没有考试。
  • 周五所有中学生都必须到校。
  • 初中生必须参加所有考试。
  • 幼儿园和小学的学生们照常全天上课,星期五除外。星期五(12月22日)全校所有学生上半天课,中午11点30分放学。

Christmas gift bags 圣诞礼包

Looking for a Christmas Gift? Buffalo Goods is now selling Christmas Gift Bags for 99 RMB. Inside the bag includes a Christmas tree ornament, passport cover, buffalo keychain, buffalo mug and hand sanitizer. Get yours today! (limited quantity)

您是否在寻找心仪的圣诞礼物?学校的“水牛”纪念品展示柜现有圣诞礼包供您挑选。每个礼包售价 99 元,里面有圣诞树装饰品、护照保护套、“水牛”钥匙链、“水牛”马克杯以及洗手液。快来购买吧,数量有限,售完截止!

Gratitude for successful Telethon event 感谢 Telethon 慈善活动的成功举办

Dear Wuhan Yangtze community,

On behalf of the entire EFIW community, we extend heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering support and participation in our recent charity event.
Your generosity, coupled with the enthusiastic involvement of students, parents and staff, made the event a resounding success. The dedication and commitment showcased by everyone involved were truly inspiring. Through collaborative efforts, we were able to raise 20389rmb. This amount has been transferred through this link.
Not only did the event foster a spirit of giving and community engagement within our school, but it also echoed the values we both strive to instill in our students - empathy, kindness, and the importance of giving back.
Looking ahead, we aspire to continue these initiatives and further strengthen the cooperation between WYIS and EFIW.
Once again, thank you for your unwavering support and dedication. We look forward to future collaborations that will undoubtedly make a profound impact.


我们谨代表整个 EFIW (武汉法国外籍人员子女学校)社区,对您对我们最近的慈善活动的坚定支持和参与表示衷心感谢。

你们的慷慨解囊,加上学生、家长和员工的热情参与,使这次活动取得了巨大的成功。 每个参与者所表现出的奉献精神和承诺确实令人鼓舞。 经过大家的共同努力,我们共筹集到20389元。 该款项已通过此链接转出。


展望未来,我们渴望继续举办类似更多的活动,并进一步加强 WYIS 和 EFIW 之间的合作。

再次感谢您的大力支持和奉献。 我们期待未来的合作,也坚信这些合作将产生深远的影响。

End of semester 1 第一学期结束

The end of semester 1 is on Friday, December 22. This is a half-day with school ending at 11:30 for all students. Semester 2 will begin on Tuesday, January 9, 2024.

12 月 22 日(星期五),将是本学年第一学期结束的时间,当天全校学生只上半天学(11点30分放学)。第二学期将于 2024 年 1 月 9 日(星期二)开始。

Recognized for excellence

Cognia logo

Wuhan Yangtze International School is accredited by Cognia, the largest education improvement organization in the world—demonstrating our commitment to learners, teachers, leaders and communities.