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Buffalo Weekly
October 25, 2023

Parent-Teacher Conferences 家长会
Fall 2023 Parent-Teacher Conferences (PTC) are scheduled for Friday, November 3 from 09:00-17:00.
At PTC, parents are invited to meet with their child’s teachers to discuss student progress and goals. The time is planned to be reflective and action-oriented. Conferences can be an important part in the education process, giving parents time to ask questions and to work together with teachers.
Upper Elementary and Secondary students are welcome to attend conferences. They may benefit from the opportunity to discuss their progress in an open forum with teachers and parents. Parents of Lower Elementary students are asked to attend without their children to allow for the most effective time with teachers.
Registration for PTC is currently open and closes at 16:00 tomorrow, November 1. Parents need to log in to the PowerSchool Parent Portal to sign up for appointments. Instructions on how to register for PTC are HERE.
• PTC is a day off of school for all students.
• If you are not able to get the appointment time you need with your child's teacher, please email them separately to schedule a time to meet.
• If you would like to book an appointment with a staff member who is not on your booking list, please email the school office at wyisoffice@wyischina.com.
If you have any questions, please email our main office at wyisoffice@wyischina.com.
2023 年秋季家长会 (PTC) 定于 11 月 3 日(星期五) 上午9点至下午5点举行。
在 PTC当天,家长根据自己的预约时间,与老师进行一对一会面,讨论孩子的学习进步和目标。家长会是教育过程中的一个重要组成部分,借此机会,家长可以与老师进行面对面的沟通与交流,共同制定合作方案,帮助孩子的学习。
家长会预约窗口目前已开放,预约截止时间是明天(11 月 1 日)下午4点。家长需要登录 PowerSchool进行预约。 查看预约家长会的操作指南请点击这里。
• 家长会当天所有学生不上学;
• 如果家长会当天您想见面的老师已被预约满,请直接发邮件与老师联系其他合适的时间;
• 如果您想预约的老师(比如各部门校长,心理咨询师以及大学升学指导辅导老师等)不在您的预约名单上,请发送电子邮件至 wyisoffice@wyischina.com 与学校办公室联系。
如果您有任何疑问,请发送电子邮件至学校办公室 wyisoffice@wyischina.com 。

Picture Day 照相日
Picture Day will be next week Tuesday and Thursday, November 7 and 9. Individual student photos will be on Tuesday and group photos (classroom, advisory, etc.) will be on Thursday.
Students must wear their green uniform polo for their individual photo (the backdrop for the individual photo will be white.) Either green or white is ok for group photo day. If it is PE day, students must bring their polo uniform to change into for the photo.
照相日将于下周二和周四,即 11 月 7 日和 9 日进行。学生个人照片将在周二进行,团体照片(班级照、小组照等)将在周四进行。
学生必须穿着绿色的Polo衫拍摄个人照(因为个人照的背景为白色)。团体照片,绿色和白色的Polo衫都可以。 如果学生当天有体育课,学生必须携带Polo衫到校以便拍照。

Grade 9 Science Fair 九年级科学展
On Friday, November 10 we will celebrate student learning with the annual Grade 9 Science Fair. Awards will be given to the winning students in the PAB lobby at 13:00. After the award ceremony, all the Grade 9 students will be on the 5th floor in the academic building to present their projects to all guests.
11 月 10 日(星期五),学校将举办一年一度的 9 年级科学展,庆祝学生的学习。 颁奖典礼将于下午1点在表演中心礼堂开始。 颁奖典礼结束后,所有九年级学生将在教学楼五楼向所有来宾展示他们的科研项目。

Campus safety 校园安全
The safety of our students, parents and staff are of high importance to us. As part of our commitment to ensuring a secure environment, we kindly request that when parents or guardians drop off or pick up their child, they must park their scooter or bicycle at the designated parking area and then accompany their child to the entrance door. Additionally, students should not ride their bicycles on the sidewalk in front of the PAB and academic building during arrival and dismissal times. Your cooperation in adhering to these safety measures is greatly appreciated.
学生、家长和教职员工的安全对我们来说非常重要。 作为校园安全的一部分,我们恳请家长或监护人接送孩子时,必须将电动车或自行车停放在指定停车区,然后陪同孩子到教学楼门口。 此外,学生在到校和放学期间不得在表演中心大楼和教学楼前的人行道上骑自行车。 非常感谢您遵守这些安全措施,谢谢您的合作。

Adult supervision after-school 放学后留校需成人监管
We would like to remind everyone that after regular school hours, it is crucial for students to be supervised by their parents or designated guardians.
Please note that the only students supervised by teachers during these hours are those who are enrolled in our After-school Activities. The safety and well-being of all students are of utmost importance to us, and we appreciate your cooperation in ensuring their safety at all times while on school premises.
Thank you for your continued support in maintaining a safe and nurturing environment for our students.

New After-school Activity 新增课后活动
We are adding a Basketball Club for Grade 3-5 students starting next Tuesday, November 7. Please sign up for your child in PowerSchool before November 7 if your child is interested in joining. Students will explore and improve their foundational skills and learn to play as a team. Students may have an opportunity to represent our school in local tournaments in December.
学校现增加一个3-5 年级学生篮球俱乐部,活动将于 11 月 7 日(星期二) 开始。如果您的孩子有兴趣加入,请在 11 月 7 日之前为您的孩子在 PowerSchool注册。 学生将探索和提高他们的篮球基础技能并学习团队合作。参加该俱乐部的学生可能有机会代表我们学校参加12 月份在当地举办的比赛。
Personalized hoodie orders 校服卫衣订制
We are now taking personalized hoodie orders. If you would like to have a zip-up uniform hoodie with your name printed on the back, please complete this order form before Monday, November 6. The cost is 210RMB each, and it will be deducted from your child's account directly. You should receive the hoodie you ordered before Christmas break.
Recognized for excellence
Wuhan Yangtze International School is accredited by Cognia, the largest education improvement organization in the world—demonstrating our commitment to learners, teachers, leaders and communities.