Requirements + fees

Investing deeply in the lives of our students and staff, we grow servant leaders of character, competence and calling.

Entry requirements
- The student must possess a foreign (non-Chinese) passport. As per Chinese law, we cannot admit children who are citizens of mainland China. At least one parent and the student must also have a foreign passport, which must be presented at the time of application.
- Demonstrate age-appropriate adequacy in the English language and educational skills as determined by an interview, assessment and/or educational records.
- All forms and paperwork must be completed prior to the interview or assessment.
- ECC applicants must be toilet-trained by the time they enter the school.
- In grades or programs for which there are more applications than spaces available, suitable applicants within the following categories may be offered priority enrollment: children of LifePlus staff; eligible siblings of a student already attending; students currently attending other LifePlus international schools; and applicants with higher levels of English proficiency.
- If a student has passed the necessary admission requirements but there is no space available, he/she may be placed in a waiting pool. This waiting pool is dissolved at the end of the school year and parents need to re-apply if they wish to be considered for enrollment for the following school year. We encourage parents to look for other educational options while their child is in the waiting pool.
We consider each candidate holistically, reviewing academic growth, social and behavioral backgrounds, as well as English proficiency. Each candidate’s application is reviewed by our enrollment decision team, which consists of the Admissions Team and Principals.

Tuition fees
All tuition fees and costs are quoted in RMB.
Grade | Annual fee |
Foundations/Junior Kindergarten mornings | 86,000 |
ECC full days | 134,000 |
Elementary Grades 1–5 | 204,000 |
Middle School Grades 6–8 | 214,000 |
High School Grades 9–10 | 216,000 |
High School Grades 11–12 | 219,000 |
Enrollment fee (new student, non-refundable) | 10,000 |
Enrollment fee (returning student, non-refundable) | 5,000 |
English Learning Support fee (if applicable) | 20,000 |
Entrance assessment fee | 1,500 |

Entrance assessments
Readiness interview (30 minutes).
Grades 1+
English language assessment and readiness interview (1–2 hours).
English language assessment
Once an assessment date is decided upon, students Grade 1 and higher will undergo a series of reading, writing, speaking and listening tests to determine if they are academically and socially ready for the grade level for which they are applying. This assessment will measure the ability of a student to listen, speak, read and write in English. The admissions assessment may require other academic skills as well.
After the admissions assessment is completed, the parents will be informed of the results via email. Upon acceptance, any ELS recommendations and placements will be made as necessary and chargeable as appropriate.
The school does not practice acceleration of students (skipping a grade) in cases of high achievement. New students who are non-native English speakers may be placed at a lower grade level at the principal’s discretion. Students will not be placed in a certain grade, class or level based on the parent’s preference for a certain teacher.

Money matters
Enrollment of new students is secured once payment of the new student’s entrance assessment and enrollment fee is paid. Tuition fees are due before the first day of school.
Annual re-enrollment is secured once payment of the returning student’s enrollment fee is received, due June 1st. The school will reserve the spot for the student till August 1st, when tuition fees are due.
Enrollment fees are non-refundable.
Annual fees
We determine our tuition on an annual basis, which is assessed at the time of registration. It is payable in accordance with an approved payment plan. Late fees will be assessed where appropriate.
Late payments
Tuition payments are due according to the payment schedule shown on the school invoice (received via email).
- Late payments will be charged an additional 50 RMB late fee per day.
- If payments are more than 30 days past due, students may be excluded from classes until payment is made.
- School records, report cards, assessment reports, diplomas, and transcripts will be withheld for any outstanding tuition payments or other outstanding financial obligations.
- No child who has an outstanding tuition balance will be able to graduate from the school without the consent of the superintendent.
Partial year tuition and fees
Tuition fees for the full quarter should be made according to the tuition schedule unless otherwise noted:
- If a student applies and is accepted into the school after the beginning of the school year, tuition will be charged for the full quarter of entry.
Tuition fees for the full quarter should be made according to the tuition schedule unless otherwise noted:
- If a student withdraws early, tuition will only be refunded for remaining full quarter(s) not attended.
- No portion of tuition shall be refunded for a student dismissed for expulsion or disciplinary reasons.
- Tuition and fees are not transferable to another student.
- In the case where a student ceases attending school without following the formal withdrawal procedure, no refund will be given for days unattended.
- In the event of an on-campus closure and the necessity for online learning, refunds will not be granted outside the definition of the stated withdrawal procedures and current refund policy.
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