Upcoming events
March 14 - March 15, 2025
LifePlus Fine Arts Festival (Tianjin)
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March 21, 2025
LifePlus Kids Read Tournament (Qingdao)
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March 21 - March 22, 2025
LifePlus Senior Departure Seminar (Wuhan)
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Buffalo Weekly
April 10, 2024

Parent-Teacher Conferences (PTC) 家长会
Spring 2024 Parent-Teacher Conferences (PTC) are scheduled for Friday, April 12 from 09:00-17:00.
At PTC, parents are invited to meet with their child’s teachers to discuss student progress and goals. The time is planned to be reflective and action-oriented. Conferences can be an important part in the education process, giving parents time to ask questions and to work together with teachers.
Updated guidelines:
- ECC students are required to attend the meeting with their parents.
- Grade 1-5 students are not required to attend with their parents, although parents are welcome to bring them if they choose to.
- Secondary students are required to attend the meeting with their parents.
- PTC is a day off of school for all students.
- If you are not able to get the appointment time you need with your child's teacher, please email them separately to schedule a time to meet.
- If you would like to book an appointment with a staff member who is not on your booking list, please email the school office at wyisoffice@wyischina.com.
If you have any questions, please email our main office at wyisoffice@wyischina.com.
- ECC 学生必须**与家长一起参加会议。
- 1-5 年级的学生不需要**与父母一起参加,但如果家长愿意的话,也欢迎带他们来。
- 中学部的学生必须**与家长一起参加会议。
- 家长会当天学生不上学;
- 如果您无法跟某个老师预约上当天的时间,您可以发邮件联系老师预约其他时间;
- 如果您想预约的老师不在您的预约名单上,比如心理咨询师,大学升学指导老师以及各部门校长等,您可以发邮件至wyisoffice@wyischina.com 联系学校办公室帮助您;

Spirit Day: Buffalo Day 主题服装日:水牛日
WYIS Student Council will be hosting this month’s Spirit Day on Wednesday, April 17. The theme is to proudly represent our school’s symbol - the buffalo. All students and teachers are encouraged to participate by wearing a literal buffalo costume or wearing ALL of the WYIS Spirit Gear including t-shirts, sweatshirts, scarves, hats, and bags.
- Spirit wear must be school-appropriate according to the dress code guidelines.
- Students can choose not to dress in the theme for the day, but they must still wear their school or PE uniforms.
学生会每月都会选择一天作为“主题服装日”,为学校学生和教职员工提供一个机会,让他们穿着符合特定主题的服装来展示学校精神。本月的主题日是4月17日(星期三),主题是学校的吉祥物“水牛”。我们鼓励所有学生和教师当天穿着带有水牛的服装或穿着所有学校印有水牛标志的服装(包括 T 恤、运动衫、围巾、帽子和包)等来学校。
- 服装必须适合学校。
- 如果学生选择当天不穿特定主题的服装装扮自己,则必须穿校服或体育服到校。

We are excited to invite you to our STEM Expo where our students will showcase their talents and innovative projects. Hosted by our Upper Elementary students, the STEM Expo will take place on Wednesday, April 17 from 13:00-15:00. We will begin at 13:00 in the PAB Auditorium.
Grade 5 students will be presenting their Science Fair projects. Grades 3 and 4 will be engaged in hands-on math, engineering and technology activities. All students in Elementary are participating in this event and parents are welcome to join!
我们很高兴邀请您参加学校举办的STEM 博览会,我们的学生将在这里展示他们的才华和创新项目。 STEM 博览会由我们小学部高年级学生主办,时间是4 月 17 日(星期三)下午 13:00-15:00 。
五年级学生将展示他们的科学博览会项目,三年级和四年级学生将参与数学、工程和技术实践活动。 本次活动全体小学部学生都将参加。我们欢迎家长届时前来参展!

20th Anniversary Gala 20周年庆典晚会
Tickets are still available for our 20th Anniversary Gala!
Grab your dresses and suits and join us for an evening filled with a buffet dinner, live music, and festivities. Please note that this is an adults-only event (no children are permitted).
Saturday, April 13
18:00 - 20:00
Westin Wuhan Hanyang
The ticket price per adult is 298 RMB. RSVP is required at this link.
我们诚挚邀请所有家长与我们一起度过一个享用自助晚餐、现场乐队和各种庆祝活动的夜晚。 请注意,该晚会仅限成人参加(不能带儿童)。
4 月 13 日,星期六
18:00 - 20:00
票价成人298元/人。 您可以通过此链接进行预订。

G10 Parent Meeting 十年级家长会
We are hosting a Grade 10 Parent Meeting on Tuesday, April 16 from 14:00-15:30 in the first floor conference room. Our College and Career Counselor will be covering essential topics including SAT/AP exams, GPA, transcripts, and making informed college choices. This meeting is a valuable opportunity to gain insights, ask questions, and prepare for your child's future.
Questions? Please contact Linda Liu at linda.liu@wyischina.com.
4 月 16 日(星期二) 14:00-15:30,学校将在一楼会议室召开 10 年级家长会。 我们的大学升学指导老师将围绕重要的主题,包括 SAT/AP 考试、GPA、成绩单以及做出明智的大学选择进行分享。 这次会议是您了解大学升学相关信息、提出问题并为孩子的未来做好准备的宝贵机会。
如果您有任何问题,请联系 Linda Liu老师,邮箱是:linda.liu@wyischina.com。

Re-enrollment now open 老生新学年注册
As we look forward to a fantastic new school year together, we would like to request that parents of students planning on returning in Fall 2024 to re-enroll in PowerSchool. To secure a spot for your child next school year, please complete the online re-enrollment forms from April 8 to 30.
We will host a Re-Enrollment Fair in the main lobby during Parent-Teacher Conferences on April 12. Administrative and admissions staff will be available to answer questions and to offer assistance with the re-enrollment process.
在我们共同期待美好的新学年之际,学校将会进行2024/2025新学年的注册工作 。为了您的孩子有就读名额,计划于 2024 年秋季返校的学生家长需要登录 PowerSchool进行新学年注册。如果您的孩子在2024/2025新学年将继续就读我校,请您务必在 4 月 8 日至 30 日期间完成线上的新学年注册申请表。
在 4 月 12 日家长会当天,学校大厅也会设立一个帮助家长进行新学年注册的工作台,届时学校办公室人员和招生部主管会为您解答疑虑并为新学年在线注册流程提供帮助。

LifePlus High School Soccer Tournament 高中足球联赛
Our school will be hosting the LifePlus High School Soccer Tournament from April 18-20. Teams from Chengdu, Qingdao, Tianjin, Wuxi and Yantai are meeting here to battle it out for the championship. Come be a part of the excitement and show your support for our school's teams!
我们学校将于 4 月 18 日至 20 日举办 LifePlus 高中足球联赛。 来自成都、青岛、天津、无锡、烟台的队伍齐聚于此,争夺冠军。 邀请您届时前来观赛,为我们的队伍加油助威!
Recognized for excellence
Wuhan Yangtze International School is accredited by Cognia, the largest education improvement organization in the world—demonstrating our commitment to learners, teachers, leaders and communities.