Upcoming events
March 21, 2025
LifePlus Kids Read Tournament (Qingdao)
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March 21 - March 22, 2025
LifePlus Senior Departure Seminar (Wuhan)
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March 26 - March 26, 2025
Talent Show
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Buffalo Weekly
November 15, 2023

MS Drama Show 初中话剧表演
We're excited to announce that our Middle School drama students will be performing a short play of the American classic, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. Join us for this enchanting production on Friday, November 17 from 18:00 to 19:00. We welcome everyone in our community to attend and enjoy an evening of theatrical talent. Don't miss this wonderful showcase of our students' creativity and dedication!
11 月 17 日(星期五)晚上18:00 至 19:00,学校初中话剧班的学生将表演美国经典短剧《断头谷传奇》,我们邀请您届时到校进行观看。请您千万不要错过这个展示我们学生创造力和奉献精神的精彩演出!

Spirit Day: Dress Like a WYIS Staff Day 主题服装日:装扮成学校员工
Student Council will be hosting a Spirit Day each month as an opportunity for Wuhan Yangtze students and staff to show school spirit by coming to school dressed according to a specific theme. The theme for this month is Dress Like a WYIS Staff. Students are encouraged to come to school dressed to model a specific WYIS staff member on Wednesday, November 22! Reflect a teacher's or staff's fashion so that we can guess who it is!
Note: students can choose not to dress in a theme for the day, but they must still wear their school or PE uniforms.
Secondary Music Concert 中学部音乐会
The music department is excited to announce the upcoming concert Christmas with the Buffaloes. All Secondary students in both Band and Choir will showcase various music pieces they have worked on during the first semester. The concert will be in the Performing Arts Building auditorium on Friday, December 1 at 19:00. We hope that you can attend this festive occasion with all the friends and family members of Wuhan Yangtze.
If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Ekirapa (waturi.ekirapa@wyischina.com) or Ms. Calder (emily.calder@wysichina.com).
Recognized for excellence
Wuhan Yangtze International School is accredited by Cognia, the largest education improvement organization in the world—demonstrating our commitment to learners, teachers, leaders and communities.